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Dive Into the New Age of

In-store Analytics

Our Product

Lost Revenue Insights

Understand the truth about why customers are leaving without buying straight from customer interactions without having to rely on anecdotal feedback from reps and store managers. Get true visibility and take action to reduce non-purchase.

Sales Fleet Efficiency Insights 

Check if your sales fleet is following your brand pitch best practices on the ground and identify areas to train. Promote what works and transform your sales fleet's pitching quality using data. 

Customer Insights 

Get an in-depth analysis of what customers are asking for and power your product and design teams in real time. Address customer needs and stay ahead of your competition. 

Market Insights

Use custom AI to better understand your customers. Identify business risk early on, replicate best practices, and get ahead of emerging market needs.

We Integrate With Your Ecosystem

Power your current ecosystem with "pre-purchase" in-store insights and enrich your data-driven decision-making to create revenue impact. 

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